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Dominik Schirmer is the Director of Instrumental Teaching at Skoove. He is an award-winning Jazz Pianist, composer, songwriter and member of the British Higher Education Academy.

Author: Dominik

How Plugging your Keyboard into the iPhone/iPad will Help You Learn Faster

Skoove has made playing in acoustic mode an exceptional experience, however you can still get even more out of your piano lessons! Plug your keyboard into the iPhone or iPad and watch your Skoove experience improve in the following ways! (For more information on how to connect your keyboard and device see our FAQs.) Better …

How Plugging your Keyboard into the iPhone/iPad will Help You Learn Faster Read More »

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famous movie soundtracks on piano

Amélie soundtrack and more: famous piano music from movies to learn

With the Cannes Film Festival in full swing we wanted to celebrate a few popular tunes, such as the Amélie soundtrack, that you can learn to play on Skoove. Whether you’re just beginning with us or further along, we know you will enjoy delving into famous piano music from movies and sharing it with the …

Amélie soundtrack and more: famous piano music from movies to learn Read More »

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Benefits of music education

Benefits of music education

Until recently, knowledge of music and musical instruments was considered a pillar of classical education. The power of music to elucidate emotional and psychological responses has been understood for millenia. Furthermore, the fundamental nature of music as a mirror to reflect on the mysteries of the universe and grasp the meaning of existence itself has …

Benefits of music education Read More »

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What impact can Avicii’s legacy have on aspiring musicians?

As the release of Avicii’s posthumous album on June 6th approaches, fans have scoured the Internet for hints about the album’s contents while “SOS”, the album’s first single, pulses in the background on repeat. The artist’s death last spring rattled the EDM community and his works ranging from “Levels” to “Lonely Together” are no less …

What impact can Avicii’s legacy have on aspiring musicians? Read More »

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