Practice chords with one of the most loved Beatle’s songs of all time
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Produced in 1970, this was the title track for the 12th and last album the Beatles made together. After writing this song Paul McCartney announced he was leaving the band and by the time “Let it Be” was released, the band had been broken up for a month.
Cheat sheet
Artist | The Beatles |
Composer | Paul McCartney |
Release Year | 1970 |
Genre(s) | Pop/rock |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Instrument | Piano/voice |
Key(s) | C major |
Meter | 4/4 |
Techniques | 3-note chord playing in each hand |
The Beatles’ Let It Be piano chords
The Beatles are responsible for some of the most innovative, seemingly complex, and catchy pop music of the last hundred years. Their music has stood the test of time, but also has an incredible sense of magic, fun, and simplicity to it. The music of The Beatles is also very easily compressed down from their big four or more part instrumentation to solo piano performance. The best place to start learning how to play music by the Beatles, we’ve provided the chords to Let It Be. Let it be is one of the first songs that many musicians learn, so this Skoove article is everything you need to get started, and learn how to play Let It Be on the piano.
Tips on playing the song
- The song is in the key of C major
- The time signature of the song is 4 / 4, which is four beats per measure
- During the song both hands will be playing simple chord progressions that do not involve any sharps or flats
- The melody uses only one flat, a Bb, which is written into the sheet music
- Be careful to play the chords with both hands at the same time
Learn to play ‘Let it be’ on piano step by step with Skoove! You can start your one month free trial now!
Interesting fact
“Mother Mary” referred to in the lyric refers to McCartney’s mother. She died when he was 14 years old, and came to him in a dream saying, “Everything will be alright – just let it be”.