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Piano fundamentals

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Piano fundamentals

piano scales

Learn piano scales: types, patterns & techniques

Piano scales are an important part of developing your playing and understanding of music theory. Have you ever wondered why pianists play them, how they work and what the benefits are? Learning piano scales is the first step in understanding many core concepts of music theory, including chords and key signatures. Let’s get started with …

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types of piano notes

What are the different types of piano notes?

Introduction Piano notes are the building blocks of music, each with its own length and value. These notes represent the rhythm and timing of a piece. Understanding the different types of notes is essential for playing piano effectively and interpreting music accurately. Let’s dive into the various types of piano notes! Conclusion Understanding the different …

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types of time signatures

What are the different types of time signatures in piano music?

Introduction Time signatures are a fundamental part of music notation, directing pianists on the rhythm and structure of each bar. They specify both the number of beats per measure and the note value that counts as one beat. Understanding time signatures allows pianists to grasp a piece’s rhythmic foundation, interpret a score accurately and maintain …

What are the different types of time signatures in piano music? Read More »

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The role of microtones in piano music

Microtones are a unique and intriguing aspect of music that many musicians may not be aware of. Unlike traditional Western music, which typically divides the octave into twelve equal parts (semitones), microtones involve intervals smaller than a semitone. This allows for a richer and more nuanced exploration of pitch, creating unique textures and emotional expressions …

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chord extensions

Chord extensions: ninths, elevenths, and thirteenths on piano

Have you ever felt like your chords sound too simple or flat? Incorporating extended chords on piano can transform your music by adding depth and complexity. Chord extensions go beyond basic triads and seventh chords, introducing richer harmonies that elevate your playing. Essential in genres like jazz, classical, and contemporary music, extended chords bring emotional …

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relative major and minor scales

Explore relative major and minor scales

Learning to understand music theory is a lot like learning a new language. Music theory has its own particular grammar and contextual idiosyncrasies. One important and often difficult aspect of music theory is learning about scales, particular major and minor scales. Scales form an important building block of melodies, harmonies, and chord progressions. One of …

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